Hercule Purrot's Visit to our York Shop

York's St Nicholas Fair (17th November - 23rd December) is in full swing. As a result, Hercule arrived on a busy day, but not so busy that we couldn't break off to grab some pics of this beautiful feline!

Hercule, from Wigan, is 10 months old and has been trained to be comfortable with lead and harness from 15 weeks. He was certainly very chilled, despite the busy shop. Hercule is a Burmese cat (apparently Asian to be 100% correct) and had the softest fur!

Hercule Checking out the York Cat Trail leaflet whilst reserving his copy of our Christmas Catalogue.

 Hercule Exploring on Foot!

Hercule exploring on foot

Hercule delighted our other customers!

 And finally, Hercule with highly appropriate background signage "Time Spent with Cats is Never Wasted":

Hercule with "Time Spent with Cats is Never Wasted" Signage

Great Gifts for Cat Lovers