Five Favourite Feline Gifts

Cute Cuddly Catnip Koala

Catnip infused Koala with pink floral neckerchief. A totally instagramable moment when it becomes your cat's favourite new toy!

Da Bird Wand Toy

We describe it as "the World's Best Cat Toy" because we have never seen cats enjoy a toy so much. An amazing work out for your cat and it's human-interactive too! Make sure you have a cat-proof cupboard where you can safely lock this toy away because your cat will want it out more than you do!

Da Bird Wand Toy

Wiggly Interactive Clownfish

Fun for cats to play with and for humans to watch. The great advantage of this toy is that it is charged by USB. No more expensive batteries or a toy that has to be thrown once the original battery has died.

Clownfish Interactive Toy

Catch the Balls Toy

Hunting, batting and chasing fun that is self-contained and where the toy doesn't disappear under the sofa regularly. We customised a couple of balls in ours - one with an LED flicker and another with a bell.

Catch the Balls Toy

Yeowww! Catnip Toys

For a Christmas gift, this is probably our top choice. Very well made and packed with top grade North American catnip. No need to wrap it, your cat will know what it is from 100 metres away and will be very insistent in its pursuit of this premium present.

Yeowww! Catnip Toys